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Share access

  • Updated
Before you start. Please note
  • you can only grant access to your account to other standard accounts. It is not currently possible to give access to agency accounts.
  • you can only grant access to your account to users within your Stape branch.
For example, if you have a Stape Global account, you can only grant access to other Stape Global users. Similarly, if you have a Stape EU account, you can only grant access to other Stape EU users. It is not possible to grant access across different branches

1. Open your account and click Account settings. 

2. Go to Shared Access.

3. Write down user's email with whom you want to share your account. Do not forget to click Share access to save the changes. 



!!! The invited user will have full access to your container.

4. For invited users to see or edit shared container, they need to log in to their account, click on their email at the top right corner and select "Workspace."


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