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Find server container URL for sGTM container

  • Updated

There are two options for setting up server container URL:

  • automatically generated 
  • custom subdomain

You can find an automatically generated server container URL that was created for you and is hosted on our domain ( in the container settings of the sGTM container (just scroll down to Domains).  


automatically generated server container URL.png


It is highly recommended to use a custom domain for accurate cookie settings and use.

If you want to configure a custom tagging URL, enable "Add custom domain" -> log in to your domain name service and create a new DNS record for the subdomain you want to use. You can use any subdomain name you want. (if you are usingCloudflare, select domain -> click DNS -> Add record).

Add these settings:

    Type: A

    Name: gtm (or any other subdomain name you want)

    IPv4 address: IP address depends on the location of the servers. You can find the custom domain IP address in your account.

    TTL: Auto

    Proxy status: disable

Your settings should look like this:


Record for A.png


Type: AAAA

    Name: gtm (or any other subdomain name you want)

    IPv6 address: IP address depends on the location of the servers. You can find the custom domain IP address in your account.

    TTL: Auto

    Proxy status: disable

Your settings should look like this:


Record for AAA.png


Once you’ve done, add a subdomain inside sGTM container. Go to Admin -> Settings -> Container settings. 


Paste tagging server URL with A and AAAA records.png


Also update the web GTM code snipped that is added on your website by updating with your custom domain. 

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