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Overview of TikTok Events API Gateway

  • Updated


TikTok Events API Gateway is the newest and the simplest solution for implementing the TikTok Events API. 


TikTok Events API Gateway benefits:


  1. Low price.


TikTok Events API Gateway from Stape offers the most cost-effective solution for setting up and hosting TikTok Events API. You can start with a free plan, and then continue for just $10 per month per pixel!


  1. Easy setup.


No need for developers or tracking experts — setting up the TikTok Events API Gateway is far more straightforward than traditional Events API implementations.


  1. Zero maintenance required.


Automatic updates mean you won’t have to worry about manual adjustments or server configurations. When adding new events, simply configure web tracking, and the Events API Gateway will automatically handle server-side tracking.




You can try TikTok Events API Gateway for free for 7 days without providing any billing details.

There are two plans: 


  • Pay as you go. $10 per month per Pixel.
  • Ultimate. $100 per month for 100 Pixels.


Useful links:

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