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Anonymizer power-up

  • Updated


Its main goal is removing or anonymizing user data from Google Analytics 4.



After Anonymizer is configured, you should update tagging server URL for your Google Analytics to the one that ends with /anonymize. For example, if the default tagging server URL is, then URL with Anonimiser will look like


When GA requests go through the tagging server URL that includes /anonymize, we automatically remove or anonymize selected parameters. 



You will have two options for most parameters: leave as is or remove. For two parameters (IP and Client ID), you will see options to Anonymize and Anonymize Strictly. 



Anonymize - removes the last octet.

Anonymize Strictly - removes the last two octets


Client ID. Works only if you use JavaScript Managed client identification.

Anonymize - use a hash of IP+UserAgent and add year+month.

Anonymize Strictly - use a hash of IP+UserAgent and add a timestamp, crc32_hash(IP+UA).timestamp


This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from 

We also have a detailed article on how to anonymize user data in Google Analytics 4 here

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