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User Agent Info power-up

  • Updated

When User Agent Info power-up is enabled, the following headers are added to the Incoming HTTP Request inside the sGTM:

  • X-Device-Mobile
  • X-Device-Os
  • X-Device-Browser
  • X-Device-Browser-Version
  • X-Device-Engine
  • X-Device-Engine-Version

To use User Agent Info power up, log in to your account, open the sGTM container, go to the Power Ups tab, and click Use User Agent Info power up. After that, enable the power-up and click Save.Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 15.59.40.png


Once done, open the server Google Tag Manager container preview, go to the Request tab, click on any incoming request, and expand the Request Headers section. You should see user agent info headers are added, similar to what you see on the screenshot below. 

Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 11.53.31.png


To use these Requests Headers in the server Google Tag Manager create a new variable with the variable type Request Header and type Header Name. 
Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 12.08.48.png

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