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Tracking in Google Ads (Adwords)

  • Updated

Server-side Tag Manager allows you to move your Google Ads conversion tracking tags from the webpage to server, which will help improve page load time and increase the accuracy of conversion tracking. Moving Adwords tags onto a server will reduce the amount of code that needs run in the webpages and aid with performance issues for slower internet connections as well!


The main benefits of adding conversions to AdWords are:

  • A better understanding of which keywords, ads, or extensions are working (and which ones are not).

  • More valuable data that you can use to optimize your ad campaigns.

  • Better insights into how to optimize your ads for boosting ROAS.

  • Ability to test smart bidding through Google Machine Learning algorithms.


Useful links:

    1. Server-side conversion tracking in Google Ads (Adwords).

    2. How to Set Up GA4 Tracking Using Google Tag Manager Server-Side Container.


You can also watch our youtube video on how to set up Google Ads (Adwords) server-side tracking here:

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