Snap Conversions API allows passing web, app, and offline events from your server to Snap servers. The official documentation says that Snap CAPI helps lower cost per action by improving conversion tracking and targeting.
Snapchat CAPI supports the same events and event parameters as web pixels. There are two main ways of implementing Snap CAPI: direct integration, which means sending server-side information from your servers directly into Snap’s servers, or partner integrations that include server Google Tag Manager (GTM). Let me first talk about Snap CAPI properties.
Snapchat event deduplication. Similar to Facebook and TikTok, Snapchat supports event deduplication, which means you can use both browser and server tracking. To remove redundant events, you should use event deduplication. The primary deduplication keys are Client_dedup_id (Which allows for a 48-hour deduplication window) and Transaction_id (Allows for a 30-day deduplication window).
Cookies are still one of the most effective ways to track users. So as long as cookies are still around, most platforms, including Snap, recommend using web+server tracking.
Snap tag for web Google Tag Manager does not support event_id, meaning that you should use a Custom HTML tag in web GTM to set up event deduplication.
You can add the Snapchat CAPI tag:
- From the Template Gallery
- From GitHub
Snapchat CAPI events: CAPI supports all types of standard event names available for Snap web pixel. It also supports custom event names.
Event parameters. Snapchat has detailed documentation that describes what event parameters CAPI supports. Click this link to check it. All user parameters (plain text email, mobile identifier, IP address, and phone number) should be normalized. After parameters are normalized, they should be hashed with lowercase hex SHA256 format. Stape Snap CAPI tag does all these transformations automatically.
Server event testing. Though Snapchat has excellent functionality for testing pixel events using the pixel diagnostics page, unfortunately, for now, Spanchat does not have functionality for testing server events in real-time, similar to FB’s test ID.
The only way to check that Snap received and processed server data correctly is by checking via Conversion API data in the Snap events manager.
Details of the Snapchat CAPI tag:
Fields of the Snapchat CAPI tag:
Useful links:
How to set up Snapchat Conversion API using server Google Tag Manager
Snapchat Conversions API made simple - check out the Gateway.
You can also watch our video here:
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